Dr. Siva Chippada, is a scientist in Attitude education, helping establish a basic yet important foundation for individuals and corporates.
Born in Chennai, and graduated as a Bachelor of Science in Zoology, with expertise in Information Technology & Telecommunications, Dr. Siva Chippada became a resident of Singapore. It was while residing in Singapore, he realized his passion for attitude and intelligence building. Attitude education lays the basic premise and is a foundation for people, companies, and countries. Technology and Management education is an optional and individual choice based education for people.
Dr. Siva Chippada is an emerging and powerful Scientist, his contribution to R&D for Attitude, Intelligence, and Happiness Management Studies are over 33 years to build our nations, businesses, employment and citizens’ well-being. His inventions are powerful, tough, complicated yet his delivery of thoughts is creative, innovative, effective. Dr. Siva’s groundbreaking research in attitude studies is a breakthrough in human evolution.
He is an entrepreneur, author, scientist, designer, publisher, educationist, founding- father of attitude education and chancellor for brand new Denovo Deemed University with an upcoming ‘University of Right Attitude Studies’ in Indian Subcontinent, as a flagship university. It proposes to set benchmarks for all other universities across the globe for attitude to right attitude education, intelligence building, and happiness management studies. As the founding father of attitude education, his definition of attitude and attitude education overrides the theory of brain, mind, character, intelligence, feelings, emotion, innocence and several other theories and change people’s perspective of thinking, analyzing, understanding, evaluation and decision-making which will bring revolution in education, transformation in employment and businesses and save trillions of dollars, time and efforts of countries, businesses, and people.
Dr. Siva moved back to India to implement his groundbreaking discovery of attitude to the right attitude education system, attitude education platform, attitude architecture, intelligence building, human development system, new education board called ‘Unified Shell Education System’. He also plans of establishing schools of happiness, ministry of anti-depression and motivational gallery, right attitude counseling and several other creative projects for the well-being of people (to get rid of stress, depression, negativity among people through his perfect informational energy), companies and countries across the globe from his motherland. He is passionate about the peace of people, solutions to companies and eventually benefits countries. His inventions are recognized and awarded an Honorary Doctorate – as Doctor of excellence in attitude, intelligence and happiness management studies from Young Scientists University from the USA.
All his creative projects are implemented through various brands in the global market like human development system, university of right attitude studies, school of attitude, school of happiness, ministry of happiness, unified shell education system, right attitude counseling, anti-depression, and motivational gallery, franchising and licensing education to avail courses to all universities and other educational institutions across the globe.
Dr. Siva’s mission is to pioneer and have a monopoly in attitude to the right attitude education. His new, creative, mindblowing, extraordinary and unified approach of the education system developed with 37 methodologies that build the right attitude, intelligence, happiness definition and peace among people.