An Entrepreneur- Inspiring and transforming many lives
Born in Bhopal in 1969, almost a decade after her second sibling, Bharti has been loved by all and lived a beautiful life. Academically she was a scholar and achieved numerous awards and recognition. She’s been a head girl at school, won the best child award at the state level and won a championship for a national-level debate. At an early age, she married an army officer, and by the age of 23, she had both her sons. Life has been a rollercoaster since; however, all these experiences and challenges that life threw at her gave her much wisdom.
Bharti has transformed over 10,000 lives through mind and leadership training programmes. EQ based sessions are her unique strengths, because of which she has conducted numerous workshops for a global audience. She has also been a part of the corporate sector for over a decade. Bharti has had her own set of challenges; she underwent multiple surgeries and clinical depression too. Finally, she decided to take charge of her life and began her second inning. She was adamant about creating her own destiny and started her own company. Today she’s on the path of success, transforming many lives, enjoying health, wealth, and happiness.
Bharti’s unique business strategy allows her to stand out in the crowd. Setting a goal for three months, she arranges them in smaller chunks, keeping an eye out for the best practices followed in the market; she also analyses the weakness of her competitors. Bharti offers customized solutions to her clients by maintaining a progress assessment that helps bring about a change in the participant. This strategy helps her maintain the effectiveness of all the programmes conducted.
Bharti faces challenges professionally and in her personal life daily. She tackles them by setting firm and healthy boundaries. Taking one thing at a time and giving 100% to it, be it work, or family, has helped her to maintain a healthy balance. She believes in facing challenges by owning up to her roles without any excuses and with clear communication. She makes sure to set aside “ME” time and spend quality time with her family and professional team.
Bharti aspires to create one of the most authentic management consulting firms with thousand employees, one million global participants – to be referred as One World One Family. So that they help people to grow personally and professionally, enabling youth to become employable. Bharti has broken barriers and today is well known worldwide as a woman entrepreneur and coach.
Bharti is driven by her participants’ fundamental transformation, happiness, and success. This motivates her to keep moving ahead, giving her a purpose to live every moment passionately.
The ongoing pandemic has positively impacted her business, allowing her to connect with her participants virtually without any limitations. They reached out to people during the pandemic and conducted multiple sessions for emotional detox and mental peace. This allowed them to reach out to many people who were negatively impacted by the pandemic.
Bharti identifies opportunities to contribute and strengthen the economy by helping startups, their revenue model and also by helping fresher’s get employment. This strength has allowed her to indirectly help generate a corpus for the country, expecting positive economic growth with the increase of buying power and transaction.
Bharti has faced every challenge and trauma and learnt to turn them around into intense learning sessions. At times she gets attached to her participants, which she finds to be her weakness, as she must apply her own techniques of healing through the process. This attitude has equipped her to take life as it comes.
Bharti began her entrepreneurial journey after the age of 48, inspiring thousands of women who feel that life brings complete stagnation post-menopause. She has achieved various awards that include award as the Mrs India Earth – Mrs Trend Setter, Mrs United Nations Ambassador, Global Achiever Award – for EQ based training, runner-up for Best Women Coach by Indian Coaching Federation. She was also offered the prestigious positions of, Managing Director, Pune chapter for Indian Coaching Federation and State President Women Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries for Lifestyle and Fitness Council.
Bharti Strongly believes that transformation starts with oneself. It’s all about what drives you towards your purpose. The key to success is authenticity and intention, along with perseverance. Her mantra to success is thinking big, dreaming big, setting a goal, and breaking it down into smaller chunks. Make sure to not just complete the task on a daily basis but also achieve it. Above all, she believes that you can create your destiny if you decide to do so.