Here a little story on how Life Coach Nomads came to be, from a deep desire to retrieve personal and professional creativity, on a daily life basis, and to inspire our adult kids, who were going through some challenging times. Sometimes it takes more than being there, it takes deliberate action towards another human, being of service. In this case, by writing positive words and seeing it as a ripple effect – even a little kind word can give hope and open a smile for someone looking for a little hug to start the day in a better way, to ask for support, to take it one day at a time. You matter and your dreams matter too, even if sometimes the outcome is different than planned, after all, control is an illusion – what you can do is take inspired steps towards healing, connect to helpful people and real life around you.
Together with creativity, the word I find most inspiring and challenging these days is conciliating – and at Life Coach Nomads, we inspire you to both feed the love for travel and also nurture the yearning for reenergizing at home, regrouping mind and soul, and planning the next personal, professional and travel goals, to make each experience the most fulfilling and creative.
When one directs focus and intensity, it can be for family, a business, a change in countries, even small changes like organizing a closet, reinventing the way you dress and have a haircut, it´s amazing how one new action calls in the next – and when you realize, you are one step closer to your bigger dream, which will certainly include helping other people on their own search.
You will feel the creativity coming back to you. I felt that by inspiring myself, and women around me, near and far, new connections started to grow, where each one felt the strength and freedom to pursue their ideas, according to their own personality, values, and rhythms.
I know that it´s common ground to say just go with it, yet I like to include family in the process, so that they understand you better and can back you – it is a question of keeping things open and light – sometimes after many long conversations and diverging opinions, that is for sure. Stand your ground and remember that your best plans start inside your heart and mind, with your values and ideas. Stand strong and say – this is your dream, and you are up for it.
The more you align your authentic desires and projects with real life steps and goal setting, plus asking for support, the more you will see how you find the answers to your questions, and the answers will find you. Keep it simple, keep it real and always remember to expand your assistance to your community, in your own way and possibility, who would love your energy and inspiration – and celebrate these wins.
There is a process I use in my programs, and I find very useful to retrieve your creative juices. When you feel stuck, overwhelmed, and just consistently undermotivated, no matter your age (I started Life Coach Nomads in my fifties), or your situation, ask yourself these two questions:
1 – What is something I loved doing and would like very much to do again, maybe upleveled and with a new approach?
Take some time and sit with question one. Start contemplating, remembering, writing things that you miss doing, things you loved – you will discover things you would love to do again – do you feel the passion for it? Do this before imagining something new – it clears you to remembering who you were and are now, before the next step. For example, I live in South America, had an education at an English school, worked some years ago as a translator, and as much as I did not miss going back to doing that, I missed talking and writing in the English language. So, I set up a Life Coach Nomads course program in English, as well as in my native language, after taking my training abroad – and now I conciliate programs in both languages, plus writing content and articles. Do your own research, relax, write notes, you will see a new -you-journey-roadmap starting to open ahead.
2 – Which skills do I have to learn, improve, add, to make this happen?
After you started the research on yourself and have gathered new and old information about what you desire, now is the moment to begin to match what you imagine to the ways you can implement change in the desired areas of your life. And when one starts changing one issue, it´s natural that others follow suit.
What is your education and work background, your personal story? What new information, skills and talents do you have to update? Who can help you with this? What skills do you master and want to make visible and productive? Another very important data is the one you access within you – using your inner drive to guide you to the change you want on the outside as well.
It does not matter where you are at in life, the important is to recognize the legitimacy of your desire for change, fulfillment, and creativity. Time and space here can be fluid, so lean into the unknown, and at the same time, decide promptly when you know the answer – whether about a course abroad, a change in lifestyle, home and even country.
The replies to these two questions, and the new you journey, can take days, weeks, months, or sometimes more, years even, depending on the size of your desired transformation and personal rhythm: to investigate what you will do, in which areas, like relationships, work, mindset, family, finances and others of your need and choice. You found clarity here and implementing it can be challenging, yet it is such an exciting and inspiring purpose.
Inspiring amazing you to live how you desire, through creative living.
Instagram: life_coach_nomads
Linkedin: Ilaria Storch
This article and LCN are here are to inspire you on your journey of growth and self-knowledge, and in your travels around the world and feeling good at home, so that you cultivate more motivation and joy in your life, encouraging you to have a more positive vision and more compassion in your day to day.
I am not a doctor, and I do not offer any kind of medical advice, or health advice; if you have any issues related to mental health problems, or otherwise, seek medical attention, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or an area professional.