In the garden of the Soul, truth unveiled,
Rooted in acceptance, gratitude crowned
A mirror to the heart, with kindness abound
Self-Love blooms where shadows sailed.
Self-Love. Really? Can we afford it while coping with our harsh reality of everyday life in quite challenging times we live in… trying to deal with just “basic survival needs”? Can we really pay attention to our own “love needs” when we have to juggle with multiple jobs, worsening health conditions, imperfect Medical systems, financial crises, political upheavals, acting-out kids, aging parents, family dynamics, etc. etc. – just very basic survival things we need to take care of on a daily basis… Do we have time or even willingness to spend time for Self-Love?
OK. OK. Let’s just take a deep breath. Now. Just put one hand on your chest and another – on your belly, and take a deep long loving cleansing breath. Inhale – Love & Gratitude, exhale – all the drama, trauma, negative emotions, whatever you accumulated before reading this article 🙂 Then take a couple more of these deep cleansing breaths… Feeling a little better? I hope so. And you know what? This is your first step in loving yourself, taking care of yourself, and if practiced daily – you WILL see the positive impact of this simple breathing technique on your daily activities. I promise.
After that, you can practice feeling grateful that YOU ARE. Sounds a little strange? Well… Can you be grateful that you are “alive and kicking”? I can. And every morning when I open my eyes, I say that I am grateful for this day (before I pick up my phone! 🙂 I am immensely grateful, every day, that I wake up in the morning, can take a shower, have my coffee, can do Yoga under my favorite tree looking at the pond, that I can create, paint, design unique clothes from my unique art, cook, write, walk my dog, go to meetings, exhibit in Galleries, develop websites, dance, swim in the pool, do a lot of other little and big things every day… – I am SO grateful for all of them! But, as many Gurus state – we can’t feel grateful, or even worthy of anything, without first embracing a basic concept of “Self-Love”. You most likely heard that no one (including the Universe, God, Angels, and all possible Sources) can love you more than you can love yourself. Interesting, right?
Moreover, you can only receive from any outside Source exactly what you’re allowing to give to yourself from your inside Source – i.e. receive from yourself. Many get lost in this one, but it is really simple – you can’t expect to be given something from anywhere until you allow yourself to receive it – which is one of the main principles of Self-Love. But how does one know what Self-Love is if they never experienced it? I suppose other people can define it differently, but here’s my understanding: I can define Self-Love as an unconditional experience of love for yourself no matter who and what you are, do, or have; what is going on with you or around you or in the World. You love & accept yourself just the way you are, and that’s the meaning of it. You are loved, and you are grateful for that. It doesn’t depend on you being smart or not, good enough or not, pretty or not, talented or not, etc. etc. It doesn’t depend on you being something or anything. It is about an unconditional acceptance of yourself. And, if it doesn’t sound too crazy (or even if it does), you can write a “thank you” note to yourself and read it every night before you go to bed or stick it to your bathroom mirror and read it every morning. It helps. And it also helps you to create your own “new reality where Self-Love is not a stranger anymore”…
The conscious intentional application of the Self-Love principles in our daily life lays the groundwork for a happy, fulfilled, and joyful existence infused with Love, Light, and Gratitude. It is a transformative Journey that radiates positivity not only within oneself but also in the broader tapestry of human connections, and with the Universe at large.
Let’s explore some powerful principles for Self-Love, or rather – practical tools for your spiritual healing “toolbox”. I’ve chosen 10 important strategies anchored in integrity, authenticity, gratitude, perseverance, dedication, trust, joy, accompanied by relatable experiences. You can practice them daily, or occasionally – it’s totally your choice. But please, do it at least some times. You will see and experience the positive difference in yourself and… even in others around you 🙂
- Authenticity:
Imagine a time when you embraced your quirks instead of trying to fit in. Authenticity is the key to self-love. Celebrate your uniqueness; it’s what makes you irreplaceable.
- Integrity in Action:
Recall a moment when you stood by your principles, even when it was challenging. Integrity in Self-Love means aligning your actions with your values and beliefs while creating a deep sense of inner harmony.
- Gratitude as a Daily Ritual:
Think about a day when you took a moment to appreciate the simple things. Gratitude transforms life; and if you make it your everyday practice, a daily “ritual”, you will soon acknowledge the beauty in both the grand and the mundane.
- Perseverance in Adversity:
Think about and reflect on a tough situation you overcame. Self-Love involves recognizing your strength to endure and persist, turning challenges into stepping stones for personal growth.
- Dedication to Self-Care:
Picture a time when you prioritized your own well-being. Try to find that one example even if it’s hard. Dedication to Self-Love requires consistent self-care “rituals” – a commitment to nourish your mind, body, and spirit.
- Trust in the Process:
Think of a goal you achieved through patience. Self-love is about trusting the Journey and understanding that growth takes time. Trust yourself and the unfolding of your unique Path.
- Joyful Living:
Recall a moment of all-encompassing joy. Self-Love is intertwined directly with joy. Prioritize activities that bring joy and happiness to you, creating a reservoir of positive energy that sustains you through life’s ups and downs (especially downs!)
- Happiness as a Choice:
Remember a day when you consciously chose happiness. Self-Love involves realizing that happiness is not just a fleeting emotion; it’s a choice you make every day, and every moment, despite external circumstances (especially negative, draining and overwhelming!)
- Building Trust within:
Reflect on a time when you honored a promise to yourself. Trust is the foundation of self-love. Keep commitments to yourself, cultivating a deep sense of inner trust and reliability.
- Mindful Presence:
Picture a moment when you were fully present. A moment of “here-and-now”. Mindful living is a grand Self-Love principle; it is about savoring each experience, finding beauty in the present, and reducing the weight of past regrets or future anxieties.
Each of these 10 principles (or rather strategies for your “spiritual toolbox”) weaves a tapestry of Self-Love in your life. As you navigate the Journey of authenticity, gratitude, perseverance, dedication, trust, joy, and happiness, PLEASE remember that Self-Love is not a destination; it’s a continuous, evolving process. It’s a Journey to your True Self. And if you relate these principles to your own experiences, embrace them, you can let them guide you towards a beautiful life filled with Love, Light, and Gratitude.
Helen Kagan Ph.D, a scientist, psychologist, artist, a pioneer of creating art with intention to heal, is a creator of unique HealingArts™ for 30 years. Helen believes art is a catalyst for healing individuals & society and engaging Healthcare & Hospitality to encourage healing through art. As a severe PTSD survivor who dedicated her life to helping others, she synergistically integrates Fine Art, Expressive Arts & Art of Healing. Her “HealingArts” is shown in multiple International Galleries, States, Countries, and Catalogs, won awards, named “Collectible Artist”. Her current Mission is to continue developing her new unique venue integrating Healing, Art, Spirituality, Fashion & Design ‒ WearableHealingArts™ ‒ to make healing through art accessible to everyone.
I was so happy and grateful when several years ago I came up with an idea of creating a new “vehicle” for my HealingArts. I wanted to make it affordable to people who can’t buy an original piece but can purchase a beautiful colorful one-of-a-kind designer garment or a household item from my Fashion Design Art Collections with high-vibrational healing energies embedded in them – so needed in our turbulent times! Even a designer T-shirt, baseball cap, jacket, dress, cardigan, kimono, sweaters, towels, glasses, blankets, sheets, pillows – just any item in my unique Collections with high vibrational healing frequencies.
I am grateful to continue creating my unique art with healing intention, and I hope that more and more people all over the world can benefit from having my unique colorful art in their environment, even just to put a smile in your heart! 🙂
My Big Dream, Vision and Mission is to deliver my WearableHealingArts® to Healthcare and Hospitality markets to promote healing and enhance wellbeing. I envision “hospital-wear” and “hotel-wear” serving as healing agents to every facility, patients, clients, staff, visitors, just everyone who will experience positive impact of HealingArts in real time, on on-going basis, and not only as artworks on the walls, but as wearable designer items, sheets, pillows, placemats, blankets, curtains, and alike. It touches me deeply and I am grateful just to think that every person having my unique WearableHealingArts designer garments or homeware, will look beautiful, feel better, and enhance their overall well-being as every item transfers the healing properties from my original artworks. See ;