Allow yourself to power through to get the life you desire.
There are days when you feel like nothing is going right. What do you do? You power through! There are days you hear that will never work. What do you do? You power through! There are people who will tell you you aren’t good enough. What do you do? You power through.
You will not receive anything you can’t handle if you lean on your faith, family and friends. There will be events that will test you, try to break you, hurt you; You will power through!
You can control your destiny. You can control your cause. You can turn your fears into celebrations. You can celebrate the wins, the loses, the frustrations, the challenges, along with your friendships, your family and your life. You can accomplish this by keeping your faith in the front seat, keep your faith in the rear-view mirror, keep your faith beside you. Your faith will be your confidant, your advisor, your teacher, your best friend. You can discuss anything and not be judged, you can ask for help, and receive assistance, you can always talk and know you have someone who will listen to you, you can say nothing, and know you are loved unconditionally.
You have the ability to change your life, empower that change and control your destiny. I know, because I did.
Lead your life instead of just accepting it. For many years, I accepted my fate, and accepted my life for what it was. I listened to others tell me to just get a job, you have a family. It doesn’t matter if it is what you want; it puts food on the table, and it is good enough. It’s at that time I experienced a moment where I wondered, what am I doing? An awareness that my life wasn’t what I had imagined. A place where I asked, how did I get here?
I realized I had put faith last in my life and allowed doubt and insecurity to take the driver seat. I had to take back control of my life. I had to make a choice to leave a few people behind along the way, as I chose to put faith back in the driver seat. Through faith, all things are possible. I began to believe I had it in me to do anything I put my mind too. While I went through years of struggle, depression, divorce, and second-guessing my life, I was able to turn things around. What I realized, I was doing what others loved me to do, not what I loved to do. You have to love what you do and do what you love – I began keeping this motto in my back pocket, on my wall, and written down everywhere I could see it.
Through coaching and meditation many will realize they compare themselves, and their dreams to others because of their upbringing. You can overcome this through awareness and forgiveness. I know, as I have been there. My life with family and friends were strained at times and it took several years to make amends. I had to start out small with forgiveness and asking others for forgiveness. It took time, but I have given myself the power to succeed and to have the life I wish to live. You can too.
Every day, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are a beautiful person, with a lot to give. Start a journal and write in it daily. Develop a vision statement, write down your goals, and write down your dreams. Believe in your future, even when others don’t understand you – as long as you understand the end goal, you will be fine, your vision will become clearer.
Every time you doubt yourself or compare yourself to others, stop, keep your strength and live your dream. Remember, faith will put someone or something in your life to catch your attention and get you through the tough times, the rough times, and yes, the questionable times.
Take time to journal, to write down wins, challenges, your dreams. You will be amazed at how you feel and the strength you will have to take on this world and take back your life. You are beautiful, you have a lot to offer, so live your dream, keep your strength, and remember faith won’t hand you something you can’t handle. Allow yourself to power through to get the life you desire.