Making wishes come true
While most of us dream of being unconventional, few dare to risk a secure job. The same however cannot be said for the charismatic Roselyn Zeinstra, who left the corporate world to make ‘wishes come true’ as a Certified Joy Coach.
The Netherlands based Roselyn was bullied most of her adult life for thinking and doing things differently, and for goals that were unworldly and beyond survival level. She suffered from stress and anxiety at work and in her personal life for many years. Yet she learned to believe in herself and her ideas even when they sounded unconventional. After many years of trial and error in corporate positions, she realized that she was made to be an ‘Entrepreneur’.
In her pursuit of Business as a ‘healthy passion’, Roselyn quit her corporate career as an International Account Manager and started working as the 1st Certified Bucket List Coach in the Netherlands using a method taught by Trav Bell.
“At the beginning, it was difficult to prove to my family and friends why I have chosen this path and the importance for me to do it. For this reason, after some time I started doubting myself and let the business go for a while. I took this period to reshape my life and business, only to see that the passion was still there and alive. I then had to trust myself to make it happen and persevere, which I did.”
Today, Roselyn is stronger than ever before in her wish to help people achieve higher goals. “I believe it is essential in our societies to learn to manage the different stressors we face in our daily lives, if we want to thrive and lead richer, happier lives. Most people do not look higher or follow their dreams. But humans are not meant to stay in one place, there is a need to evolve.”
Soon, Rosalyn turned her attention to working as a Life Coach for women and high-skilled professionals who suffer from anxiety and stress, all over the world. She created a unique Stress Reduction Program called ‘Learn How to Manage Stress and Live the Life you Truly Want’ using her experience. The program is directed to working professionals and entrepreneurs to help them create the conditions to achieve more success in life. That wish to succeed must be aligned to core values and peoples’ true essence, she indicates.
“I’m totally passionate about coaching because I can see the changes it brings in peoples’ lives, relationships, work, and even in the way they enjoy their free time. It is about creating lasting changes that clients can be proud of and those around him or her can see and feel a real difference. For me personally, coaching is priceless because having a rewarding and meaningful life is something we all wish for. Humans are created to change and improve, and we have the right to believe in ourselves and make our dreams come true.”
Through her company – Live4urdreams, Roselyn provides Life Coaching, Leadership Development, Training, Career Development Coaching, and Diversity & Inclusion. She changed the goals and objectives of her coaching practice to be more useful to the needs of high-skilled professionals after Covid-19. As a salute to her transformational work, she was recognised as one of ‘Top 15 coaches in Breda’ by Influence Digest.
On the personal front, she has completed more than 300,000 hours of meditation practice, and continues to practice almost every day. Last year, she even completed a 10km run in her city. Above all, she’s a proud mother of two small children and a wife who spends half of her time with the family.
“My biggest inspiration has always been my family and teachers. My teachers and coaches have inspired me to dare more, achieve more, and to have courage to go for my goals. My desire is to have a meaningful life where I can benefit many people find themselves, their passions, and their identity, so that they can grow and become better human beings. And we can do this without stepping onto each other’s toes by being conscious about our effect on the planet, society, and other human beings.”
As talk turns to leadership, Roselyn tells us how Mother Teresa was a fantastic leader who could move mountains by her wish to help others. “A leader is a servant and if we learn to be useful servants, we can all be good leaders. The idea of service is key to an integral leader. Positive leaders give a sense of direction and examples we can use in our private lives to deal with difficult situations.”