Founder of the Radical Freedom Movement
As the founder of the revolutionary Radical Freedom Movement, the charismatic Alicia Rios Wilks helps people manifest a life they’re 100% in love with!
Alicia’s work in creating the Radical Freedom Movement was born from her own experience. Recalling her life then she says, “Like many others, I have felt powerless, cut off from real happiness, and limited in life. I felt trapped in my own mind, unable to escape. My old patterns drove me to lose the thing I valued most about myself. But from my greatest loss came my greatest opportunity – to discover my truth and recreate myself.”
here on Earth is to claim our power and freedom to create a life that we love, aligned with our truth. I wanted to design a method that would allow anyone to do that. So I brought together top research on the nature of consciousness and the structure of reality and pioneered a ground-breaking method designed for the most powerful and rapid transformation humanly possible – Rapid Consciousness Transformation Method (RCTM)™.”
Alicia now helps others across the globe to harness their innate power to release emotional blocks, live as the fullest expression of their true Self, and intentionally create their dream life. She achieves these results with clients using her unique Rapid Consciousness Transformation Method™ in both group and private one-to-one settings.
A trained therapist and coach, Alicia holds a First Class Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Biology from the University of Bath with Professional Placement undertaken at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia. She’s a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist, and Certified in the Magnetic Mind method of coaching and the Superconscious Recode.
Her biggest inspiration lies in imagination and intuition, which, she says, is something every human has access to. “I’ve always been driven by a love for self-expression and the way people bring it into the world, such as musicians, extreme athletes, dancers and artists. Specifically for me, I receive intuition through the superconscious (quantum) field, and my work with recoding and elevating my own consciousness. My desire is to allow people to connect to their own genius and intuition, as a source of wisdom and inspiration for a life of Radical Freedom. My goal is that my work becomes a movement that is accessible to all people,” she declares.
What about challenges? How does she overcome those? “My biggest challenge was letting go of my ego’s desire to prove myself. That desire often caused me to work harder than necessary. I also had to learn to ignore other people’s doubts, rules and ideas; and trust my own genius above all else, which usually made the work so much fun it felt more like play. Now, I choose not to credit luck and I don’t endorse hard work. Success requires focused power and energy, but it’s only ‘hard’ if we choose to label it as such. There are many ways to achieve your goals; making work hard isn’t necessary. Part of our power is that we get to choose our experience of life, and I choose mine to be FUN,” answers Alicia.
A true super achiever, Alicia is the Co-author of a scientific paper in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology – ‘Lack of protein prenylation promotes NLRP3 inflammasome assembly in human monocytes’; Recipient of an Overseas Research Award from the University of Bath; Innovator in combining human consciousness, mind and body transformation, and breakthrough performance; as well as a (former) national-level competitive swimmer.
Now she’s turning the passion and energy that drove her to create success in those areas into the single focus of achieving even greater success as an inspiring leader and founder of the Radical Freedom Movement.
Asked what she most wants people to know about her and her work, Alicia says, “We are all born with the radical freedom to be who we choose to be and create what we choose to create. My role, as a coach and a leader, is to lead people into their own innate power so that they can intentionally create the life of their dreams – a life that reflects their uniqueness and their genius, without limits.”