Solving the world’s problems one person at a time
Therapist, speaker and author Sharon Glasswell is on a mission to help people overcome emotional pain in order to take charge of their lives. Her life philosophy is ‘there’s no problem too big’, and it’s backed up by countless testimonials from the people she has helped – both adults and children. Whether it’s about helping scared people, angry people or sad people, she knows what she does works. Why? Because it’s about empowering the person, with tools that are tried and tested. If you’re ready for change, says Sharon, then change can happen.
“There’s no issue I’ve seen, that I can’t help. With most people, I know the problem will be gone before they leave my office. Others will leave with a plan to work at, in order to effect change,” says Sharon. “I’ve helped people overcome phobias and anxiety; I’ve helped people with parenting problems and business management concerns; I’ve helped people lose weight or fight addiction.I ‘ve also worked with people of all ages with disruptive behaviors like BPD, ADHD OCD, and give them the tools to change their behavior and do better academically and socially.”
“Ultimately, we can achieve these results because the problem isn’t the problem; the client’s process is the problem. The only requirement is that the client is willing and determined to make a change. Usually they’re desperate for it.”
Sharon’s passion was fuelled by her own life experience. Growing up in a small working-class village, she struggled with low self-esteem and a thick Yorkshire accent. In school, she was labelled a ‘naughty kid’, and with no help available she struggled with the standard education system. At 15 she left school and started working in an advertising agency. Here she was berated for her unpolished accent, which compounded her low self-worth. She fell into depression and feelings of failure and, never feeling good enough, she switched jobs frequently.
Fast-forward to the age of 27, she and her husband decided to move from the UK to Australia. It was 1987, they sold everything and parked their life savings on the stock market, not realising one of the biggest crashes of all time was about to take it all. With no choice but to move forward, they emigrated in 1988, with their two young daughters and the cash they could salvage.
Despite these unfortunate beginnings, things changed overnight. Sharon’s accent was celebrated as being different, which opened a multitude of opportunities, and lifted her spirit. Over the next 30 years, Sharon and her husband started many businesses, transforming then selling them for profit, embarking on a diverse range of enterprises – including a restaurant and function centre, a chemical distribution centre, car detailing and telephone marketing businesses, and a real estate agency.
“We really enjoyed the work, and were incredibly busy. We built strong reputations, but we were working 90 hours per week and not reaping the results in terms of lifestyle or finances. Despite selling businesses at great profit, we weren’t getting ahead financially,” said Sharon. “I realised things had to change. I needed to heal the generational trauma that was keeping us trapped in our limiting beliefs around money so I enrolled to study Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). I wanted to overcome my low self-esteem, stop feeling like a failure and stop my destructive, impulsive behaviours. With NLP, I rediscovered myself, and the secrets of change.”
By 2013, Sharon was a qualified NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, with a strong following. “Today I travel the world, speaking and holding workshops, in addition to my private practice, to teach people how they can build the life they deserve. The greatest joy for me is seeing my clients’ transformations. It’s what drives me to expand my reach, because I know what I teach is life-changing. Now, more than ever before, people need it,” says Sharon.
With her mission crystal-clear, Sharon divides her attention online and offline. Her You the Conqueror initiative offers exclusive membership therapy groups and training opportunities online for clients who need help with emotional or personality disorders, in order to give people from across Australia and around the world access to this life-changing content.
Her new ‘Recycle Your Day’ project is focused on the next generation, by teaching the same principles through a children’s book and classroom resources. It is currently being introduced into schools in Australia, with a view to taking it around the world. “I want to share the technique of ‘recycling problems and emotions’ with children, to give them the tools they need for a successful and happy life. Teaching students about emotional intelligence and how to deal with problems should be a top priority,” says Sharon.
“The greatest thing is, I’m not just building a business, I’m helping people transform their lives. Knowing this gives me an incredible amount of joy.”