Helping more women step into their divine leadership through their faith, health, and finances.
Bestselling author, leadership speaker, and global entrepreneur – hard to believe, but 24-year-old Annie Mayfield is all this and more. In 2022, she was honored amongst the ‘Top 20 Women Leaders to Look Out For’ by NYC Journal and hit Amazon #1 bestselling author in over 8 categories with her fourth book, ‘No Title for Heartbreak’.
Based in the US, Annie’s sole mission in life is to help young women break past their limits and achieve a position of leadership. The passion that drives her to do this day in and day out is the thought of helping the woman she once was; in her words – “You are most qualified to serve the person you once were.”
Recalling her childhood emotions, Annie reveals, “I once was the girl that let fear drive her story. She never thought she was good enough. She didn’t know what it was like to be confident, feel smart, speak her truth, or go after what she wanted. She was someone who knew how much love she had to give, but was so afraid of other people judging her for being different from the crowd that she hid herself. She was the little girl who fell in love with writing, music, and speaking at a young age, but did it in private because she didn’t want anyone to think she was weird.”
Annie started writing, speaking and coaching to transform the hearts of women who share these same fears. “That is how you change the world. It starts with touching the hearts of each person who has been dulling their unique qualities. Helping them understand – it is by leaning into their beautiful differences that they can make a greater impact than they ever could trying to be someone they are not.”
When people cross paths with Annie, they make the mistake of thinking that her boldness and confidence is innate, but she remarks this couldn’t be further from the truth. Every single day Annie asks God for boldness, knowing her confidence has to come from Him.
At 19 years old, Annie received the Benjamin Wofford Scholarship and went to Wofford College. Simultaneously, she began to build her first business that has now grown to over 5 countries (US, Germany, Mexico, Australia, and Canada). Through her virtual wellness franchise, she coaches people through a system to build an additional source of passive income backed with market-disrupting nutritional products.
During her sophomore year of colleg, she became interested in the self-development space. When she realized there were no books written in that field by people her age, she saw a need for a voice for the younger generation representing the importance of taking care of yourself: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Thus she wrote and published her first book – ‘Be Your Own Hero’, at the age of 20. She went on to publish three more books – ‘Be the Light’, ‘Dear Beautiful Me’, and ‘No Title for Heartbreak’, two of which were #1 Amazon bestsellers in over 8 categories. Her 5th book is due this year.
While on her journey of self-development, Annie discovered three key areas most pertinent to her success – faith, finances, and health.
To this day, every single business she has started is centered around strengthening women in those three areas.
“With all I do, the center of my work is my passion for helping more young women step into leadership through their faith, finances and health, and introduce the power of multiple streams of income to strengthen their financial security. I see such a scarcity of women in leadership, in both the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds. I believe the lack of female role models in positions of leadership causes too many women to stop short of becoming all God designed them to be. Through my work I aim to show more young women how to break past the limits they put on themselves, so we will have more role models in this world of women stepping into every area of their divine power,” Annie tells us.
Annie herself was blessed with a strong mother who modelled to her at a young age that she could be all God designed her to be as long as she trusted in His path, prayed without ceasing, and worked her butt off. “It’s really hard to put yourself out there in the form of a book, speech, presentation, or vocalizing a new idea, or even just showing up at your everyday job for another meeting. By putting yourself out there you make yourself vulnerable to judgement. But the pain of potential unexpressed is the greatest pain of all. And so, I remind myself every day to choose my ‘hard.’ It’s hard to put yourself out there, it’s also hard to live with the regret of never trying. I would rather choose the ‘hard’ of putting myself out there.”
With this winning spirit, Annie has had the chance to speak at conferences with audiences of up to 40,000 online, as well as multiple universities including VIT-ATP university in India. During the pandemic, she also launched her podcast – Made to Shine, which now streams in over 42 countries.
One of the youngest global leaders, we asked Annie what makes a good leader for today’s digital youth, to which she replies, “We live in a world obsessed with follower count. People incessantly check how many followers they have on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Twitter, and my fear is that this obsession has led us to misinterpret leaders as individuals with a high follower count; the two are not synonymous. True leaders care more about earning respect than popularity. They make the hard, right decision to yield long term benefit rather than the easy, wrong decision for short term applause. They are the ones who make others feel loved. If we could all see ourselves as the leaders God designed us to be, lead from a place of love not judgement, and act from a place of service not coercion, this world would be different.”
It is easy to see why 24 year old Annie is wise beyond her years. At a time when young people are obsessed only with their virtual lives, she has broken the shackles of patriarchy to uplift women from all walks of life. Thanks to her rousing spirit and never give up attitude, she has succeeded globally as well. Sharing her message for the youth, she says, “I think it is easy in a world that praises social media to look at someone else’s achievements and suddenly feel less of yourself. Though we live in such a connected age through this digital world, we are more disconnected than ever. Due to that you never get to see ‘behind the scenes’ of someone’s life, and so you don’t realize just how similar the people you compare yourself with, are to you. We all have imperfections. Use that understanding to know that no matter how afraid you may feel at times, you are worthy. You are enough. Go shine your light in this world – it needs you.”