At first glance this title may sound contradictory – yet taking a closer look at what does not work anymore means also looking at systems and decisions that did you well and served your business and relationships well. That is called experience and a good lesson learned will make you avoid what is not useful anymore and make you clearer on your plans. So, yes, let go of what does not bring meaning to you anymore, and develop what brings you good results, joy and growth.
Most of the time, we work and live on automatic responses to bosses, spouses, kids, daily chores, and to yourself – that quick shower and even exercise may fall into an unconscious routine. Here, five ways to really notice what you are feeling and what you can let go, while taking with you helpful outcomes along the way.
1.Being Grateful When Letting Go
Internalizing gratitude is worth practicing, daily, especially when it involves your heart´s desire to see more of people you love being with, and maybe less of other groups that you no longer have so much affinity with. Be grateful for all your connections and focus on your “now” with meaningful friendships, work, colleagues and collaborations – this becomes clearer as you apply these steps in your practical life, where you do not forget the good things lived and experienced yet need to be wiser with your rhythm and joy.
Exercising this with your adult kids is also an art, where deeper understanding and love grows, while you and them start letting go of some codependency needs and worries, opening space for invitations to share good moments as well as asking for support when desired.
2.This is an Internal Process
See, you can relax, there is no need to send emails announcing your new “you” decisions, little joke here, keeping things light really propels us to move ahead smoother and faster. Like a little seed from a plant, or a feeling of unease of how things are – the process usually starts in your mind, maybe unconsciously – so it´s important you find some solo moments to contemplate the budding idea, water it and see what sprouts.
In some situations, the process can be strengthened by moving outwards and testing new waters. Start by creating more space in your agenda and heart for the connections you desire to spend more hours with, offer your skills, and to institutions that would love your support, ask for a new work area, change places or renew the furniture where you are. Life thrives on movement and joy, and you will naturally ease into what your plans are today and from now on.
3. Finding Creative Responses
Everywhere you look it seems so easy to live a creative life and follow the path you desire – and while I believe that it DOES take daily hard work and steps, the beginning of your milestone truly starts in your mind.
Commence by inviting fear out of the way, tweaking your self-doubt buds, which are those shiny flowers that maybe are not your favorite ones, the roses that prick your enthusiasm. Thoughts drift as they please if not guided to the river of your abundance, the brooks where you construct first your day, then your week and from then on more – a year and maybe further ahead – remember to always leave an open mind and space for natural flow and organic decisions. Play with imagining responses that would not be your usual ones, see how they would fit with an unexpected situation. That is the gold of letting go – you know something good will come up again, different, yes.
4. Definite Goodbyes
All the technology in the world will not help you go unscathed through this, saying farewell to a parent, a friend, a family pet, having to flee a tense situation. This coach here is emotional, and I believe one should externalize and live through the emotions, preferably with people you feel comfortable with and in a safe environment – even knowing that emotions will pop unannounced many times.
One must also try and get all the assistance available, from an experienced medical professional you trust, that can handle the depression and anxiety that may, or may not, surface because of a definite goodbye. I believe in hugging, in prayers, in talking and learning and asking the other person if that is what she needs. Sometimes there will be silence, anger, other times you will take the initiative to comfort, the way you know how, or they will ask what they need – there is no one way that fits all – ask assistance always for yourself, as the helper, and also for the person going through this period. We are all relevant, spiritual, humans and we are here to help one another in the journey.
5. Welcoming What Comes Next
There are many nuances in letting go. Sometimes it happens from outside circumstances, when a relationship ends, and you did not expect that, you are let go from work, a definite goodbye happens. And other times you decide that a situation is no longer good, and you take steps to move on. As we all know, Nature is not fond of empty spaces and soon you will create and see new opportunities, ideas, people and places coming your way. The transition is preparing you to welcome what comes next, so develop confidence and be ready with trust and joy to receive it.
Life Is Nomadic by Essence
Inspiring amazing you to live how you desire, through creative living.
Instagram: life_coach_nomads
Linkedin: Ilaria Storch
This article and LCN are here are to inspire you on your journey of growth and self-knowledge, and in your travels around the world and feeling good at home, so that you cultivate more motivation and joy in your life, encouraging you to have a more positive vision and more compassion in your day to day..I am not a doctor, and I do not offer any kind of medical advice, or health advice; if you have any issues related to mental health problems, or otherwise, seek medical attention, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or an area professional.