Authenticity is a concept that has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in the areas of personal development, self-growth, and spirituality. I am exploring the importance of authenticity, based on major spiritual laws, energy healing principles, and of course, my unique HealingArts 🙂
Basically, Authenticity means being true to yourself – living in alignment with your values and beliefs, expressing yourself honestly, and not pretending to be someone you’re not. This concept is supported by many spiritual traditions teaching that we are all connected and are part of a greater whole. When we are unauthentic, we create disharmony in the Universe, yet when we are authentic, we contribute to the greater good by living in accordance with the spiritual laws of Oneness and Harmony. Similarly, in energy healing, authenticity is crucial for emotional and physical wellbeing. Our energetic body is interconnected with our physical/ emotional/ spiritual bodies, and when we are unauthentic, we create blockages in our energetic field that can lead to physical/emotional (or clinically called “psycho-somatic”) imbalances leading to serious conditions. In contrast, when we are authentic, we allow the energy to flow freely, promoting healing and emotional wellbeing. I believe art- is a powerful tool to promote authenticity, as it allows us to creative self-expression, and thus healing through art.
Here are Principles of Authenticity based on major spiritual laws and using art for healing.
Self-awareness: The first principle of authenticity is self-awareness. It means being conscious of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Art can help you explore and express your emotions, feelings, enabling you to gain a better understanding of yourself, and to heal imbalances.
Gratitude: Authenticity involves gratitude, which involves recognizing and appreciating the good in your life. When creating art, you can use your creativity to express gratitude for the people, places, and experiences that have brought you joy.
Trust: Authenticity requires trust, which involves believing in yourself and others. You can use your creativity to trust your instincts and take risks, and express it in your art.
Forgiveness: Authenticity operates with forgiveness, and letting go of resentments and grudges. Art can help you practice forgiveness by allowing you to express your emotions and release any negative feelings you may be holding onto for a long time.
Love: Authenticity is about connecting with love, which involves having compassion and kindness for yourself and others. As I believe that art can heal, it can help you practice love by allowing you to create from your heart, a place of love, joy and positivity.
Integrity: Authenticity is basically equals integrity, which is being honest with yourself and others. When creating art, you can use your creativity to express yourself truthfully and without fear of judgment.
Compassion: Authenticity goes hand-to-hand with compassion, which involves treating yourself and others with kindness and empathy. Art can help you practice compassion by allowing you to express your emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.
Non-judgment: Authenticity requires non-judgment, which involves accepting yourself and others as they are. When you create, you can learn to practice non-judgment by allowing yourself to do it without any preconceived notions of what is “right” or “wrong.”
Mindfulness: Authenticity operates with mindfulness, which is being present in the moment and aware of your thoughts and feelings. Art can definitely help you practice mindfulness by allowing you to focus on the process of creating and connecting with your inner (True) Self.
Unity: Authenticity is about unity, which involves recognizing that we are all connected and part of a larger whole. Art helps you practice unity by allowing you to express your emotions and connect with others on a deeper level, creating a sense of community and belonging.
But still, why is authenticity so important? First and foremost, it allows us to live in accordance with our values and beliefs. When we are inauthentic, we may feel like we are living a lie, which can lead to feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction. Authenticity promotes genuine connections with others – when we are authentic, we attract people who share our values and appreciate us for who we truly are. Authenticity promotes emotional healing – when we are authentic, we allow ourselves to feel our emotions fully, which can lead to greater self-awareness and emotional growth.
We all know that living authentically is not always easy, but it is worth the effort. We live in a world that often encourages conformity and discourages individuality, and our “new normal” reality makes it even more difficult. It can be tempting to pretend to be someone we’re not in order to fit in or please others. But as we all learn from our own experiences (i.e.,“spiritual lessons”) this can be detrimental to our emotional and physical wellbeing.
So how can we cultivate authenticity in our lives? The first step – is awareness of the ways in which we are not being authentic. Are we suppressing our emotions or pretending to be someone we’re not? Once we identify these patterns, we can begin to make changes – start by expressing ourselves honestly, even if it feels uncomfortable at first, embrace our uniqueness with humor and love, seek out like-minded individuals who share our values and appreciate us for who we truly are. As we progress in our self-growth, we’ll see authenticity as a crucial aspect of personal development and emotional healing. I believe that by living in accordance with our values and beliefs, we promote healing in our own energetic and physical bodies, and contribute to the harmony of the Universe.
Dr. Helen Kagan, Creator of HealingArts™ and WearableHealingArts® signed a publishing deal to co-write the forthcoming book titled, The Keys to Authenticity, published by CelebrityPress® LLC. In addition to Dr. Kagan’s expertise, the publication features content from world-renowned entrepreneur, professional speaker, and Best-Selling Author® Jack Canfield. The book will be released Summer 2023 under the CelebrityPress® LLC imprint, a leading business book publisher that publishes books from ThoughtLeaders® around the world. Dr. Helen Kagan was selected to be a contributor to the book because of her commitment to professional success and willingness to share her vast knowledge. Her professional expertise makes her an asset to the publication and will surely benefit a wide range of readers. Orlando, FL – April 14, 2023.
Please experience Helen’s Colors, Healing & Beyond here- and her newest venue-